Rugby Bits: Who can still win the 6 Nations?

How 5 Nations can still win the 6 Nations!

We are approaching the end game now in the 6 Nations and in fact, everything could be over after this weekend. If Ireland win and England lose this weekend, there will be no way for any team to catch Ireland, even if they lose to Scotland. This got us thinking, who can actually still win the tournament? If they can, how? We set about figuring out win conditions for the teams and have them here for you below (with complete disregard for draws).

Some teams chances of success are obviously more likely than others, with Ireland leading the way but we were surprised to discover that technically most teams still have a shot at the trophy.  The latest episode of Rugby Bits attempts to get to grips with this.


If you want to investigate the teams chances further, please see our handy team guides to winning the 6 Nations below:

2 rounds remain and it’s still all to play for. Will we have a winner after this weekend?

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